We are learning what it is like to feel like peanut butter and jelly. Sounds odd, perhaps, but it is true.
Our children are 19 to 26, sort of independent. Our parents are in their 70s, sort of independent. Yep - children and parents are bread. Brian and I are peanut butter and jelly - stuck in the middle.
We have heard the term "sandwich generation" before. The past few months we have been feeling it. The children are looking for reassurance, guidance, money. Our parents are looking for reassurance and guidance. We are blessed there!
How do we weigh the needs of our children vs the needs of our parents vs our own needs? Because of what God has allowed us to go through we protect our time, our marriage. Right now it seems we are being pulled from all sides.
While Jesus didn't have children - I think He understands - He had all those disciples pulling at Him, wanting His time. And, Scripture is very clear - He took time for Himself, time with Abba Father to reenergize, to be loved on.
Peanut butter and jelly - yep. There are times one of us has to be sticky sweet and other times salty. Sometimes we trade roles. God is good because we balance each other out. Just have to keep our focus on the Lord.
God is very good.