David's birthday was last weekend and he wanted to go up north. So we packed a lunch and the five of us - David, Sarah and Grace; Brian and myself piled into the truck.
Grace was very excited to be going fishing and exploring... at two months old as long as you are fed and changed life should be good!!
Brian and David fished Lower Lake Mary for a couple of hours - they caught four but gave them to someone.

After a picnic lunch we decided to go exploring..... We headed down a road we had been before. We came to a rapidly running wash, since we weren't sure we were headed the right direction, we turned around to find another road. This was good for a while....
We were driving along and the road sort of dissolved. Not to fear - David and Brian examined the situation and found a way to get us through. All is good (ominous music....)
We round a corner and find it pretty much flooded. Another examination and determination we could make it through staying to the left. Praise God!! The GPS tells us we are less than half a mile from the connecting road.

Over a hill and the worst has happened - no road, in fact it appears to be a pond in the road. Once again David and Brian get out. This time they are taking much longer. David throws a rock into the middle and, yep, it is pretty deep. Meanwhile Sarah and I are discussing the possibility of being rescued and flown out by a helicopter....

Brian then delivers the news - you have to get out of the vehicle. Sarah bundles Grace up and we get out. Now, do we watch or close our eyes?? Of course we watched!! With David guiding him, Brian maneuvers through the rocks, water and mud, then guns it spraying mud everywhere. But he is safe on the other side!!
Being the gentlemen they are they came and helped us walk through. To celebrate we stopped at Sonic in Camp Verde where David performed a Happy Dance!!
So Grace's First Adventure will not be forgotten soon.
Praise God for intelligent men and vanilla coke!!
God is amazingly good!!