Monday, October 22, 2012

Testing of my Faith (Brian)

I have been struggling with some issues recently that appear to be a test of my faith. The following are just a few of these issues:

1. Career : Am I really doing what God is calling me too?

2. Health: It was one year ago that I was in the hospital with cardiac related issues and in the time following I have been focused on God and can see His healing hand working , yet the body is breaking down in many other areas and this is quite frustrating.

3. Relationships: God has shown me just how important my family and friends really are and perhaps this is why it hurts me so much to relationships torn apart by the desires of the flesh and the lack of faith.

King Solomon was a king that had it all. God gave him Knowledge, riches, wealth yet Solomon chose to turn his heart away from God causing God to become angry with Solomon and the Lord gave these things to another who would keep His commands.

Like King Solomon I turned away from God over three years ago and God removed things from my life. It is because of the situation I faced there years ago that I become so quickly angered by those who will not listen to the wisdom God has given to me.

Is my work beginning to become an idol to me? Am I enjoying the large paychecks yet not placing the same amount of time if not more in the time I spend with God either in study, worship or in serving Him?

Am I focused on the worldly things and allowing the worldly things to eclipse God in my life?

Is my pride blocking me from God? Am I trying to impress others with “stuff” that I don’t need just to keep up with the Jones?

Are the relationships I am involved in being built up or am I allowing the evil one to destroy the relationships and causing us to loose focus on who God is?

Am I compromising my standards over these relationships living in the flesh, or am I living as God has called me to do?

If God is the Great Physician, why am I so worried about what the next set of tests will bring or what my future holds?

Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 12:13

“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter; Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man.”

So the question really is how am I going to focus my fear on God and move forward?

Will I pass the test God is giving to me or will I be like Solomon and have God take it all away and give it to someone else?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

More Like Jesus

Funny, all of my life I have strived to be more like Jesus - coming up short most all of the time!!

Earlier today it occurred to me - I am becoming more like Jesus and it is hard!!  People judge me.  People hurt me - intentionally or not.  People ignore me when I have so much to offer them.  People reject me.
  • People judge Jesus and He loves on.
  • People hurt Jesus every moment of every day and He loves on.
  • People ignore Jesus and He offers eternal life and He loves on.
  • People reject Jesus and He still defeated death for them and He loves on.
So I will continue to love on people and pray for those who wound me. Like Jesus, I will gladly bear scars so people will grow closer to Him.

Jesus paid it all - all to Him I owe.  He is amazing.  I am so blessed to be His child.

God is great.