Monday, January 30, 2012


God is about to do some amazing things in and through our lives. 

We know this because the evil one is attacking us with gusto.  Not only is he attacking us directly, he is attacking those we love with people who profess to love us but are walking in darkness.

So we are upping our prayers - becoming bolder, more courageous.  We are asking to be a light in the darkness.  We are asking for Abba Father to use us to His glory. 

Prayers are seldom answered in the time frame we want them to be.  They are always answered when God will get the most glory.  He specializes in the seemingly impossible - the prayers we see no possible way for Him to answer.

We are on the seventh day of Jericho.  We have circled and circled.  We will NOT give up until the walls come tumbling down and our Lord gets all the praise, honor and glory due Him.

God is so good.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


It is official - we will be having a grandson. 

We pray for a healthy baby who will grow to love Jesus.

God is good.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


I (Vicki) just finished reading Mark Batterson's book "The Circle Maker".  I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to grow in their relationship with God.

There are so many ways I have been challenged:
  • Why do I limit God? He created the earth and the universe and everything else - who am I to question how He is answering my prayers?
  • Why am I not bolder in my prayers?  I mean, really, Jesus died on the cross for me, then defeated death to rise again.  After all of that He can handle whatever I throw His way.
  • Why do I give up on some prayers?  Do I ever give up one prayer before He is going to answer?
  • Why don't I pray more?  In reality, I waste tons of time doing things that have no eternal ramifications.  Yes, I have to work, but on the way to work I daydream - now I am making a conscious effort to pray.
  • I am keeping a prayer journal.  It has been a LONG time since I did this because someone accused me of keeping tabs on God.  Even if that was my purpose - so what?  God can handle it!!
So 2012 will see an increase in my prayers.  I can't wait to see how God answers those I am circling in prayer.  God is so good.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


This year we are reading through the Bible chronologically.  Today was about Noah.

Noah had it right.  God told him to build an ark.  So, Noah built an ark.  He didn't worry about what the neighbors were saying.  He didn't worry about the cost of supplies or where to get them.  Noah didn't worry about how the animals were going to get to or in the ark - He let God take care of the details.  And, when God told him to take his family and get in the ark he did.  He was obedient to what he was called to do.

Then God - shut the door of the ark.  (I wonder what Mrs. Noah was saying at this point....)

After sending out a raven, then the dove mulitple times - Noah waited until God said leave the ark.  (At this point I am pretty sure his children and their wives were whining about the smell!)  God's timing is always perfect. 

I can learn a lot from Noah - leave the details up to God and concentrate on what He has called me to do.  Be obedient, that will ensure I won't go wrong!!

God took care of Noah and his family.  God takes care of our family.  God is good.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Pretty sure this is the most excited I (Vicki) have been to start a new year.  2011 was not a particularly bad year....just glad it is over.

We are anticipating God is going to move mightily in and through our lives in 2012.  Here are some of the reasons:

Brian's career - Brian has stepped out in faith and is working on his own.  Much of this is due to his health, doing this if he is having a bad day, he can rearrange what he does.  He has two companies he is doing work for with a third in the wings.  This also gives him the freedom to spend time with family.

Grandbaby - sometime in June our first grandchild will be born!!  We are SOOOOOO excited to take on this new role.

Missions - in February we will be headed to Rocky Point to help build a house in three days.  Wow.  This is an area we have never served together so it will be a stretching experience.

Finances - we are trusting God 100% with our finances.  Early in 2011 we began tithing the full 10% based on
Malachi 3:10 "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.  Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."
So far we have been amazed at God (why is it we limit Him??).  The only unpaid medical bill is West Valley Hospital and we are making payments.  All of our bills have been paid on time.  We have been able to be generous with our children and with giving.  God is faithful to His promises.

Growing closer to our Lord and to each other - we can't wait to see where God grows us both to Him and to each other.   God never wastes a hurt, He is using our life story to encourage others.  Wherever He wants us - that is where we will be.

So our prayer for 2012 is God will challenge you to move from where you are to the place He wants you to be in obedience to His will.  Then His blessings will knock your socks off.

Abba Father is so good.