Tuesday, March 8, 2011


A week ago this morning I (Vicki) was rear-ended on the way to work while sitting at a red light.  It was quite annoying.  My car has been in the shop getting fixed and I have been visiting the chiropractor - a whole new experience for me.  Though sore, I am feeling much better.

Then yesterday, Brian texts me, his van pool was in an accident coming home from work.  Some woman merging onto the freeway decided to take their lane too!  Lots of blessings - they had already dropped off three of the guys, there was not car in the lane they went into, no one in the van was hurt badly - just bumps and bruises and it wasn't our car!!.  So now Brian gets to visit the chiropractor.

How bizarre that within a week, we were both in accidents.  Praise God for those angels that are in critical condition protecting us.  God is so good.

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