Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Whole Bunch of Nothing

Finally finished the taxes today.  This year just wasn't motivated, perhaps because we owe??  Actually took a nap this afternoon.  This was not planned, was reading and just started dozing.  There is something peaceful about a Sunday afternoon nap.

Been thinking about a hobby.  Since we don't own our home (yet!) I am having trouble getting into "improvement" things, like planting a garden.  And, the Diamondbacks were SNOWED out today.  Thinking about quilting - it has been a long time, but it is fun to do. 

We are so blessed.  There are times I don't think we comprehend the privilege of living in America where we have so much freedom - to worship, to praise, to meet freely.  Think I want to work on being more grateful. 

God is so good.

1 comment:

Leeper's said...

You should make a quilt for the baby!!!