Saturday, November 19, 2011

God is Good

Been a while since we blogged - no reason.  Life has been relatively quiet.  We are making progress in finding out what is going on with Brian.  The left side of his heart is enlarged.  He had a sleep study and is now using a c-pap machine every night.  Boy is it quiet in our room!!

The cool thing - he is waking up with lots of energy, he isn't feeling weary in the middle of the day and we are actually staying up until 10:00pm!!

As our children are growing older the holidays are more challenging.  Kara and Tom have his folks they want to spend time with.  David and Sarah have her family.  Jay and Megan, we aren't quite sure as Jay hasn't met her family yet.  

It was sad today - I wanted to decorate for Christmas and Brian said no....  I have to wait until after Thanksgiving. 

We have so much to be thankful for.  God is good.

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