Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Brian is off work.  The doctor put him out last week because his heart is doing odd things - the blood pressure is erratic and his pulse is extremely rapid.
Yesterday he had an echocardiogram.  Yes, he has a heart!!  He met with our regular doctor today to get paperwork filled out.

So ironic - the plant sent him home due to the doctor's note limiting physical activity.  He fills out the paperwork for short term, the folks there want to know what the diagnosis is.  So do we!!  They seem to have trouble understanding that at this point the doctors do NOT know what is going on.

Not quite sure if we should feel good because the doctors are baffled or to be worried.  Bottom line - God is in control.  He is the Great Physician and He has Brian right in the palm of His hand.

Now we rest in the palm of Abba Father's hand.  He loves us.  God is good. 

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