Sunday, January 15, 2012


I (Vicki) just finished reading Mark Batterson's book "The Circle Maker".  I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to grow in their relationship with God.

There are so many ways I have been challenged:
  • Why do I limit God? He created the earth and the universe and everything else - who am I to question how He is answering my prayers?
  • Why am I not bolder in my prayers?  I mean, really, Jesus died on the cross for me, then defeated death to rise again.  After all of that He can handle whatever I throw His way.
  • Why do I give up on some prayers?  Do I ever give up one prayer before He is going to answer?
  • Why don't I pray more?  In reality, I waste tons of time doing things that have no eternal ramifications.  Yes, I have to work, but on the way to work I daydream - now I am making a conscious effort to pray.
  • I am keeping a prayer journal.  It has been a LONG time since I did this because someone accused me of keeping tabs on God.  Even if that was my purpose - so what?  God can handle it!!
So 2012 will see an increase in my prayers.  I can't wait to see how God answers those I am circling in prayer.  God is so good.

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