Tuesday, January 3, 2012


This year we are reading through the Bible chronologically.  Today was about Noah.

Noah had it right.  God told him to build an ark.  So, Noah built an ark.  He didn't worry about what the neighbors were saying.  He didn't worry about the cost of supplies or where to get them.  Noah didn't worry about how the animals were going to get to or in the ark - He let God take care of the details.  And, when God told him to take his family and get in the ark he did.  He was obedient to what he was called to do.

Then God - shut the door of the ark.  (I wonder what Mrs. Noah was saying at this point....)

After sending out a raven, then the dove mulitple times - Noah waited until God said leave the ark.  (At this point I am pretty sure his children and their wives were whining about the smell!)  God's timing is always perfect. 

I can learn a lot from Noah - leave the details up to God and concentrate on what He has called me to do.  Be obedient, that will ensure I won't go wrong!!

God took care of Noah and his family.  God takes care of our family.  God is good.

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