Sunday, October 11, 2009

How low will it go?

As fully devoted followers of Christ we are not usually surprised at how the evil one attacks. In fact, as we are walking with the Lord, we expect them.

Yesterday we were having a marvelous day - we drove to Prescott, looked at some model homes, had a picnic then spent time with our Tres Dias friends.

During the day a text came in requesting Brian pay for things that are not his responsibility. The text then went on to say if he didn't pay, he would not get his Christmas ornaments back....

Brian's sin experience was tough emotionally and financially but GLORY TO GOD, we have the victory in Christ Jesus. So to take something not yours and hold it is not only exthortion, but it is pathetic. How low will the evil one go?

Christmas ornaments can be replaced. Brian is back in fellowship with the Father, our marriage is healing and growing. God is good.

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