Friday, May 30, 2008


This morning I received the call every parent dreads, "Mom, I've been in an accident." Actually it took a few minutes because Kara was talking in her "Mickey Mouse" voice she has when she is really upset.

The good news is - no one was hurt. The not so good news - the car may be terminal. It looked pretty horrible to me.

So many thoughts go through your head in the 30 seconds or so it takes to comprehend, "No one was hurt". I was just started a teleconference that was pretty important, but when I said, "My daughter was in an accident, talk to you later." Everyone understood. My guess is they were all thinking, "Thank goodness it wasn't me!"

It was cool to watch my co-workers really care about me and Kara.

This isn't something I want to be dealing with right now. I am thankful God is giving me another opportunity to draw on His strength. Perhaps that is the lesson I need to be learning.

God will never leave me, nor forsake me. Cool.

1 comment:

Leeper's said...

My poor little car...