Friday, May 23, 2008

Rain in May

It is May. It is Arizona. It has been cold and raining. Three days ago it was 110. No wonder my body is confused.

It has been great having the rain, which we desperately need. For the past two days I have been looking for a rainbow, haven't see one yet. But there will be one.

Perhaps it is somewhat like God. We keep looking for Him, but don't see Him. But He is always there with me. I know that when I need it most, He will reveal Himself to me.

It is so comforting to have the Scripture. Today I was reading in John 13:15 where Jesus says, "I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you." He says this right after washing the dirty, stinky feet of the twelve disciples. And he had to argue with Peter during!

So if Jesus is willing to serve, how can I complain about a bit of rain, or unsettled weather or the fact I didn't get to see a rainbow. Jesus loves me! I can't ask for anything better.

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