Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hacked By a Heckler(Crippled)

Alrighty blog world..I'm hacking my mom's blog due to failure of blogging everyday, but im not doing it alone im doing it with the help of another heckler (my dad).

Well my dad is the greatest thing in the world..He's fully supporting me getting my own first car a 1989 Ford Mustang..yeah i know it may not be stylish but hey when you were a ttenager was your 1st car stylin?? Nope, didnt think so..My Dad is like super Dad i have the coolest dad I dont care what you other people think. I'll beat you up..J/k But really I am blessed to have a dad like mine. I was just listening to some music and a country song(yes i listen to country..jesus would have too) with the lyrics "I've been watching you dad aint that cool..I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you...." And yes as any kid growing though they may not admit I watch almost 98% of what my dad does, the other 2 percent is his jokes or what he thinks are jokes but arent really, but i laugh out of love...I love my Dad..O.k enough about my dad"Next"

And now theres my mom, shes almost completely opposite of my dad, my dad likes to drive shes not a huge fan, my dad rides a dirtbike, SHES A GIRL, in other words she stays on a quad..While i watch my dad i also watch my mom too and yeah being the youngest i do tend to be spoiled sometimes but hey "IM A MOMMA'S BOY" deal with it..But the favorite thing about my mom not only is she cool but the fact that shes supportive, shes not to crazy about the fact i raced dirtbikes and im sure breaking my leg didnt make it any better but hey i did it, but the #1 thing i love about my mom, our family is nothing but baseball fans, well i play baseball.Position-Catcher, Age started 4, NUMBER OF GAMES MY MOM MISSED-ZERO!!! And idk about you guys but i think thats ultra cool...

Well enough of the hacking already, im sure my mom is wondering why i typed so long and told her not to come in the room, but its time to post this and let her in the room..thats not really the reason im getting off..if i stayed on any longer it would be a book not blog..Im getting off to go get my mustang!!!

Nice Talking to you blogworld!!

The Hacker
The Crippled

David Wuerfel


Anonymous said...

LOL this is too funny how you took over you mom's blog. You have two of the greatest parents ever David. But they also have one of the greatest sons I've ever met. I'm excited to see your new ride.

Silvana :)

Stacey said...

Awwwww, David loves his parents! That is so cool that you're willing to share that with the whole wide world!