Monday, November 24, 2008

Hope Springs Eternal

Reading these blogs must be really depressing. Or perhaps, it is encouraging that all this ugly stuff is happening to someone else!! But good things are happening.

Kara has a job!! She will be teaching at La Petite Academie. It is probably not the job she really wanted, but it will meet her needs. Tom had an interview today and will have a second interview sometime soon.

Last evening Jay and I had a heart to heart. I wanted him to know how much I love him and that even if we did kick him out - he was welcome to family functions including our family reunion the end of December. He told me he was tired of the lifestyle he was leading and he wanted to change. As we talked he took out all the piercings (5) and the guages. We went up to Robeks to get a smoothie and he filled out an application AND turned it in. He posted on MySpace he was going to be changing. He actually went looking for jobs today. Yes, God is faithful.

David was released from the doctor today so he can play baseball!! This is good.

We are still financially beyond broke and Brian continues to seek a position where he can do what he was called to do and fulfill the desire of his heart - to be a Police Officer.

I find it interesting there are people who say the evil one is attacking us. Why would the evil one attack so much as the attacks draw us closer to God? It doesn't really matter why we have been going through these tough times. What matters is how we respond.

As long as I have breath - I will praise the Lord!!

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