Monday, March 30, 2009
Finally I have united with Brian on how to handle Jay. Last evening I told him since he wasn't following the rules or showing any respect - he needed to find somewhere else to live.
His response was to swallow 66 aspirin. The police and paramedics came - he is now in the hospital. My heart hurts for my child who has made so many bad choices.
Oddly enough, most of me is at peace. I am being obedient to my husband, I am not undermining him nor questioning him. I love Brian and understand my first duty is to him. Our marriage is the most important relationship in my life (other than the one I have with Jesus). Brian and I have the rest of our lives together, the children will move on. I am thankful for such a godly husband.
And, I am so proud of David, he is his father's son. Last evening he did his best to protect me from the horrid things Jay was saying. He kept assuring me Brian and I were not a failure as parents. God is going to do great things in David's life.
The same way God will do great things in Brian and my life. He is molding us to be more like Jesus.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Another Great Weekend

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Our Cruise MiniVacation

It was a wonderful trip. We drove over to San Diego last Thursday morning and boarded the ship. After eating some lunch we wandered around to figure out where things were.
Dinner was good - except it started at 8:15..... never again!
Friday we were in Ensenada - we took a shore excursion to La Bufadora - it was a beautiful example of God's creation. We were able to shop in a Mexican flea market - the vendors were quite pushy. Brian was able to get a Rolex watch.
Friday evening was Brian's favorite dinner - lobster (2) and prime rib! He was one happy camper.
Saturday we were at sea all day. It was so relaxing just to chill out and do nothing but be together.
Sunday we arrived back in San Diego to rain. We decided to drive up the highway to Huntington Beach. It was like walking through a sand blaster so we didn't stay long.
Since we didn't want to come home - we drove through some back roads of California and found a little casino - we played on $20 for about two hours and walked away with $15 - not a bad value.
It was an absolutely wonderful time away. We are going to going away alone a lot more!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
We are going to have the most amazing four days. I can't wait to just be with Brian alone - no children, our phones off, we just have to pick when and where we want to eat. We are leaving the stress of our life right here in Arizona.
When we come back, it may still be here, but we will be refreshed and ready to take on the world.
God is preparing us for His blessing - we are so ready!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
This is such an amazing opportunity for him.
What is even more incredible is how God has been in control this whole time - even while we were questioning, God has been faithful. His timing is always perfect.
I am so excited about how Brian will be able to shine doing what God has created him to do.
Thank you Lord for answered prayers. May the process move quickly.
Through Brian's investigative skills and persistence we were able to get a cruise from San Diego to Ensenada, Mexico - we leave this Thursday!!
I am so excited to spend four days with the most incredible man in the world, to get to know him better, to be away from the pressures we have been facing, to see another part of God's creation. Perhaps I didn't realize how stressed we have been or how I have missed having alone time with Brian.
God has truly blessed me with the most wonderful husband!!!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Day Trip - Snow

Day Trip - Shooting

Part of our day was spent shooting out in the desert. Brian is an amazing marksman. He shot 40 rounds and all but three got the target. The bad guy was so dead.
He even was shooting left handed for a while. I so respect the skills he has - it was incredible to watch!

Then Brian taught me to shoot.... I think I did pretty good. I shot ten rounds and hit the target seven times.
I have a whole new respect for our police officers - it was difficult in a good situation - light outside, still target, no pressure.
It was really a lot of fun - not only did I learn to shoot, I also learned to load the magazine. By the end of our shooting time I was able to get all ten bullets in.
That part of the day was wonderful....
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Love & Respect
Wow. I am so convicted. During those times I have not been a good wife, I am not only hurting Brian, but Jesus (my two favorite people). Looks like I need to spend some time praying for forgiveness and seeking it from Brian.
I am so thankful God offers us grace. And Brian, being a man after God's own heart, will offer me grace too.
I am committing to losing 30 pounds by the 17th of July.
About two years ago the doctor put my on high blood pressure medication and told me to lose 10 pounds. I lost about 40 over the next six to eight months. Then I stablized for about a year.
Last fall we were going through some challenges and I put 10 of those pounds right back on. Why couldn't God have made me a non-eater when stressed?
The last week or so has been tough but I have dropped five pounds!! So I am going to keep going.
I even ried to ride my bike tonight - I have to give Jay credit, he didn't laugh while I was around. But between the seat slipping backwards and my left knee not wanting to bend, it wasn't going to happen - so I walked.
Pray for me as I take on this challenge. I know God honors us when we do the right thing - and taking care of my physical body is important.
Besides, Goodwill has a bigger selection in smaller sized clothes!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Not only did God pick me, but he treasures me.
I have been facing some challenges recently and I'm not feeling very treasured. How cool that God knew Vicki would need this reassurance at this point in time.
The vision God gave me the other night as I was praying of Brian and myself being held on God's lap is so comforting. Funny, I couldn't see God's face. I just felt His arms of love wrapped around us.
Monday, March 9, 2009
So many random thoughts
- I am blessed
- I love Jesus
- I love Brian
- I love my children
- Auditors are driving me nuts
- Coworkers are acting like preschoolers
- I am excited to have some time off next week
- Another baseball game tomorrow, hope they win
- Amazing things are about to happen
- God is good
Sunday, March 8, 2009
One more thought
It was nice wearing a dress, jewelry and feeling fancy. Brian has been generous in giving me jewelry, most of it I don't wear often. But since Friday, I have been wearing the ring he bought me when we were in the Caribbean. It is beautiful.
Now everytime I look at my finger - I not only remember a wonderfully amazing trip but I also remember my husband who told me when he bought it "You are worth it!"
Life is too short to save jewelry for special ocassions!
Random Thoughts
During Youth Services Jeremiah made the comment - God never wastes a hurt. How cool is that? Even though things may be painful, we may be in a breaking period - God will not waste what is going on - it will glorify the Lord!!
I know we are close to the blessing. God loves us and wants to hold us close.
While praying the other night God gave me a vision - I saw Brain and myself curled up on God's lap, His arms were around us holding us close. What a comfort.
God Keeps His Covenant
I needed that reminder today - God is faithful to me. He keeps His word. Sometimes I don't give God enough credit, I think he is going to fail me like people have. But He won't!! He is faithful to those who love and obey Him!
Thank you Lord for loving me so much!
A Cadillac

Friday evening Brian asked how I would feel if he sold his motorcycle. I thought about doing a happy dance but instead said, that would be fine - why? He was tired of cars turning in front of him, almost being hit then being yelled at!
So he put the motorcycle on Craigs List saying sell or trade for a car.
Saturday morning we were eating breakfast/lunch at Cracker Barrel and his phone rang - he didn't get to it, it wasn't a number he knew and there was no message. A little while later the same number phoned again. The gentleman wanted to know if he was interested in a Cadillac Seville. Brian asked for pictures.
When we arrived home, he looked at the pictures, we prayed about it and then he called Gary and told him to come on over.
Long story short - it was a win-win. Gary loved the motorcycle. Brian (and David) think the Cadillac is wonderful.
I am simply in awe at how smart my husband is - he knew what to look for on line about the car before he agreed to see it, he knew what he was looking for in the car and then he understands all about insurance. He is an amazing man!
So we have a new car and it even will fit in the garage. God is good.
Friday, March 6, 2009
A Wonderful Husband

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
First Baseball Game of the Season
Monday, March 2, 2009
Play Ball!
His freshman and sophomore years he was at the charter school where they had only one team (not a very good one either!). Now we are in the big leagues!
Baseball is one sport I truly enjoy - to me it is relaxing and a great time to pray and support my children.
Jay is pretty jealous so I am walking the Mom tightrope of supporting one child without ignoring another. I pray Jay will start encouraging David - it would be good for both of them.
Tomorrow - a new set of memories begins. Play ball!!