Tuesday, February 3, 2009


This has been a really crappy week. Work is incredibly busy, two major projects plus month end and December isn't even finished yet in accounting land.

I've had to deal with some extremely hypocritical people. One of my pet peeves is people who demand one thing from you, then live a different lifestyle. If you are going to talk the talk - then walk the walk. To make things even more annoying - the thorn is trying to be my friend after stabbing me in the back.

Deep breath. Another deep breath.

And, David has decided he wants to race dirt bikes again - does not the child understand he broke his leg (both bones) on a dirt bike.

Deep breath. Another deep breath.

Now, I just need to remind myself, this too will pass. Someday, sitting on God's lap, I will look back and laugh about all the stupid stuff I stressed over.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I would probably not encourage David to ride again either. That's scary!

I know what you mean about living with people who are hypocrites. I think we can all be that way once in a while but it's hard when you have someone in your life who is constantly living life this way! Hang in there :o)