Sunday, February 8, 2009

Student Ministries Rocks!!

Within the last two weeks we have had six folks not only express an interest in Mentoring in Student Ministries - but they actually showed up!!!

Sometimes I get so excited about what is going on with our students. I watch the students as they come each week, sometimes seeing their eyes light up - they got the message. I watch them interact with their friends, flirt with the opposite sex and they feel safe.

As a parent that is important, my student has a place he can feel safe, where the other students accept him, where he can be his goofy self.

God is getting ready to do great and mighty things in Student Ministries - we are gearing up. My only regret in all of this is I can't do it full time. I would love to spend my time reassuring people how important they are and helping them find a fit. I love praying with and for our current Mentors.

What do people do who don't have a relationship with Jesus? Where do they get their support?

So, not only did God send Jesus for me, He also lets me serve in Student Ministries. He truly loves me!!

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