Saturday, July 11, 2009

Feeling Good (and Bad)

My knees are hurting something horrible today. But, before too long, the pain will be a thing of the past. Just wish it could be done before October.....

But, mostly I am feeling great - my underwear is falling off!! So today I will go buy new underwear. Never thought this is something I would be excited to do!

I am within two pounds of my goal before the wedding on July 18 - have lost 38 pounds since March. Hopefully I can drop the other two in the next week.

I decided to keep going - I would like to get down another 25 or 30 pounds. It will be good for me - especially with the new knees. I can't wait to be able to hike again.

My only regret is I waited too long to get healthy. God is good.

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