Sunday, July 5, 2009

Love Notes

Tonight I decided to go through some boxes. Yes, they are boxes we have moved several times. Threw away a lot of stuff. Then I ran across the bag from my Tres Dias weekend.....

As I sat and read through some of the stuff I cried and cried and cried. Then I got to the letter from Brian. Two pages of how much he loves me. So I cried some more. The funny thing is - he still tells me he loves me.

Through our marriage Brian gave me lots of love notes - I have many of them tucked in my Bible. Maybe that is the reason I believe we still have hope.

Last week he told me there is still a chance... so I continue to pray. God specializes in impossible situations so I will claim the blood of Jesus over our marriage and know that we will be reconciled.

I can't wait to get the next love note from Brian.

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